Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant with Natural-Looking Results

At Cosmo International hair and skin treatments center, we offer the best hair transplant technique – Direct Hair Transplant. 

You start seeing small hair immediately after surgery, and after 4 months growth becomes normal and natural. However, the candidate must follow all post-procedure instructions to see the best results for the DHT technique. It helps increase the survival rate of implanted grafts and blends with regular hair to give a natural-looking hairline.

Cosmo International Centre has experienced surgeons who use the most advanced techniques and patented instruments to provide 100% safe, painless, natural, and permanent results. All our surgeons and doctors are trained, certified, and skilled to transform your overall personality.

Why Choose Direct Hair Transplant (DHT)?

Direct hair Transplant (DHT) is a safe and painless procedure with no scars or downtime. Due to this, we have seen a rise in the number of interested candidates.

Painless Procedure

The procedure involves using only local anesthesia, so you can comfortably check your phone, listen to music, or sleep.

Absolutely Safe

Direct hair transplant procedure has strict protocols, and we adhere to them, ensuring 100% efficacy and safety for the clients.

Little or No Down Time

As the procedure does not involve shaving your head or scaring, you can return to work or resume daily activities almost immediately.

Performed by Doctors

Our team of certified doctors performs the entire procedure, from extraction and implantation to follow-up.

Viability Guarantee

The viability guarantee of the implanted hair follicles is 95%, compared to FUE and FUT. 

Natural Results

The patented technology gives doctors more control over implantation rendering natural results. 

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Key Features

More Precision and Accuracy

The procedure uses a patient device to transplant hair follicles, giving doctors more precision and accuracy.

100% Safe

Strict protocols are followed for each step of the process, guaranteeing 100% safety and efficacy.


No cuts or incisions are required to transplant grafts in the affected area, and no downtime, thus non-invasive.

More Hair Density

An advanced procedure with a higher germination guarantee of the implanted grafts thus offers more hair density.

Natural Results

Full control of the depth, the direction and the angle of placement ensures 100% natural results.

Certified Doctors

Only Doctors perform these direct hair transplant (DHT) procedure to ensure efficacy and a high success rate.

How Much Time Does the Direct Hair Transplant Take?

The time required to complete the DHI procedure depends on the number of grafts that need transplanting. On average, it takes between six to eight hours to complete. 

Who Is a Suitable Candidate?

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for a DHI hair transplant. During the free analysis, our experts assess it. You are a suitable candidate if you have any of the following characteristics. 

  • Men who have hair loss due to male pattern baldness.
  • Women and men who wish to gain voluminous and thick hair. 
  • Men who want beard transplants. 

Also, to undergo the Direct Hair Transplant (DHI) procedure, you must have healthy hair at the donor site for strong follicle growth. Your hair’s texture, density, and color are considered so you get the desired results. 

Specialists at Cosmo International consider your aesthetic goals and various factors, including your medical history and hair loss, to deliver an exceptional service that leaves you with the best results.

Book Your Hair Loss Diagnosis Now

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